
Materials Research Society (MRS) Student Chapter Tours Brookhaven National Laboratory

By Giorgina Paiella

Members of the UConn Materials Research Society (MRS) student chapter had the unique opportunity to tour Brookhaven National Laboratory in Long Island, New York.

Brookhaven visit

Founded in 1947 and primarily funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science, the cutting-edge research institution is home to nearly 3,000 scientists, engineers, and support staff who are joined by 4,000 visiting researchers each year from across the globe.

The group toured three facilities during their visit. The first was the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) II, a state-of-the-art medium-energy electron storage ring that produces beams of light in x-ray, ultraviolet, and infrared wavelengths. The synchrotron is predicted to serve a key role in the discovery and analysis of new materials. The group then toured the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and STAR detector, a facility that hosts the collision and detection of atoms at approximately the speed of light and allows for the discovery of new sub-atomic physics phenomena. The students were allowed an exclusive glimpse of the intricate and complex construction of the STAR detector.

The MRS chapter lastly toured the Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN). The CFN hosts various analysis techniques and is home to nano-fabrication facilities, time resolved absorption and emission spectroscopy, and atomic resolution imaging with scanning transmission (STEM), transmission (TEM), and scanning tunneling (STM) electron microscopy.

Brookhaven visit

Activities 2012

December 17th, 2012: Dr. Pinar Zorlutuna of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering Department of UConn gave the 3rd and last special seminar of 2012 at 11 am in IMS 159. The talk was titled “Micro and Nanofabricated Biomaterials for Engineering Biomimetic Tissues”. In her seminar, after giving a brief introduction to tissue engineering, and discussing some of the biomaterials and fabrication approaches that she has been developing for constructing biomimetic tissues, she gave insight about the micro and nanoscale fabrication approaches she has been using for engineering scaffold architecture, improving biomechanical properties of engineered tissues, and controlling cellular orientation and differentiation.

November 16th, 2012: Information Session for Undergraduates
An informal information session was held about getting a graduate degree in MSE for undergraduate students. The event was at 6pm in IMS 159. 6 of the information providers were graduate students in MSE PhD program (Vinnie Palumbo – Jim Bosse – Austin McDonald – Adam Wentworth – Yasemin Kutes – Venkatesh Botu) and one was a UConn MSE grad school graduate (Jackie Garofano – founder of MRS Chapter – now works at UTRC, CT). Graduate Admissions Coordinator Trista Albert was also with us to answer admissions related questions. 8 undergraduate students were benefited from this event.

November 7th, 2012: Prof. Challa V. Kumar of UConn Chemistry Department gave a seminar (2nd Special Seminar of the year, 1st one was given by Prof. Barrett Wells) in IMS 20 at 11am. The seminar was titled “Enzyme/Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Biocatalytic Nanomaterials”. Dr. Kumar talked about their long-term goal of elucidating the molecular signatures of protein-solid interactions, and how this knowledge is useful for the rational design of protein arrays, biocatalysts, biosensors, medical implants and biomaterials. He illustrated several strategies to overcome protein and enzyme deactivation when bound to solid surfaces. The mechanism of protein adsorption on solid surfaces was discussed and novel methods to control protein-solid interactions were presented.

October 5th, 2012: New MRS Officers were selected for the year 2012-2013.

  • President: YASEMIN KUTES
  • Vice President: JAMES BOSSE
  • Secretary: SRIRAM VIJAYAN
  • Treasurer: VENKATESH BOTU

March 11 and March 21, 2013: Our Chapter’s Special Project was also awarded by UConn SOE and MSE Department on March 11 and March 21, 2013 respectively with generous amounts of support. Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education, Dr. Micheal Accorsi mentioned that he was very impressed with the level of activities of our chapter and, in particular, our outreach efforts to high school students through the ASM Materials Camp and various other events.

February 5th, 2013: Our Chapter’s Special Project Proposal for 2013 was recommended for funding by Materials Research Society and the chapter was awarded $400.00 for MRS Chapter Seminars and Industry Trips.

We were informed that the competition for the Special Project Funding was particularly strong this year and priority was given to those projects that were new initiatives, and not a continuation or expansion of a present activity, and to those that were clearly initiated by the students.

This year’s special project aims to bring the chapter’s activities outside of UConn campus, introducing industrial opportunities to the students via 2 field trips. With the field trips, the students will have a better idea of what real-world applications their education will apply to, and help shape their path more accurately. We have come to the realization that many students are not sure whether industry or academia is the right choice for their careers. In this direction, in the coming year we would like to introduce two, technical materials science related field trips, and three talks by local industrial representatives (R&D managers, research scientists, etc) in addition to technical talks.
Again, we would like to increase the outreach efforts beyond UConn campus by visiting high schools in Hartford area and other universities within the state.

March 21st: Dr. Barrett Wells of UCONN physics presented a 45 minutes long seminar on superconductivity. He mainly talked about understanding the behaviour of high temperature superconductors. Click here to see his talk. The seminar was followed by a Q&A session where he answered several curious questions from the audience consisting of both graduate and undergraduate students. Towards the end, a demo on MEGLEV was also given by the speaker, which spurred a lot of interest.

professor wells         professors wells and carter

professor wells' talk


March 14th: MRS Chapter Seminar (first in the five-seminar-series as a part of the UCNN MRS special project) by Dr. Barrett Wells of UCONN physics was announced.
pdf icon  Flyer                      pdf icon    Bio Dr. Barret Wells


February 22nd: First MRS Chapter meeting for the Spring semester. The meeting was jointly held with materials advantage. At this meeting, we had a pizza party and screened a talk titled “The World in 2030” by Dr. Michio Kaku. The meeting also provided an opportunity to the graduate and undergraduate students to interact with each other.


February 15th: Planning begins for the Seminar Series hosted by our MRS University Chapter, as a part of the proposed special project. Through this project, we would like to expand our chapter’s services to the larger material research community at the University of Connecticut, including students in applied physics and chemistry, biomolecular engineering, chemical engineering, electrical engineering, and materials science and engineering. In the coming year we will organize a series of technical materials science related interdisciplinary talks by UCONN’s faculty members from various departments and a technical poster session featuring work carried out at both graduate and undergraduate levels.


February 6th: The MRS chapter officers meet to plan chapter’s activities.


January 20th: We received notification from Yury Gogotsi Chair, MRS University Chapters and Special Projects Subcommittee, that our chapter was awarded full funding requested for the Special Project proposal.

Activities 2009

November 16 – December 12: Chapter collected toys for donations to Toys for Tots

November 24th: MRS Colloquium: Graduate students presenting at MRS gave their talks during the colloquium.

October 9th: International Luncheon

August 12th: MRS Seminar by Dr. McEvily Dr. McEvily (Emeritus Professor of Metallurgy, IMS) will be giving a talk on failure analysis. A number of structural failures which have figured importantly in the history of Failure Analysis and structural design are discussed. Techniques for the detection of cracks are described, and several case studies based upon the speaker’s experience are reviewed.

March 18thMRS Chapter Spring 2009 Seminar Series

January 30thFirst MRS Chapter meeting for the Spring semester

Activities 2008

November 5th: International Luncheon

November 13th: Graduate School Forum

October 1st: First MRS Chapter meeting for the Fall semester.

June 1st: Planning begins for the Summer Seminar Series hosted by our MRS University Chapter. Our goal is to have several presentations in the series over the summer which gives both students and faculty at the university to present their research. We are currently in talks with professors from other institutions as well to participate in this series.

May 1st: Announcement was made of upcoming elections for Executive Office positions for the 2008 – 2009 academic year. Members were encouraged to nominate themselves for positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.

May 28th: We held our first MRS International Lucheon where our members brought dishes to share that represented their culture. We got this idea from the University of Delaware MRD Chapter website. The ethnicity of our members is diverse and as to our delight we were treated to a delicious array of dishes that represented Indian Irish, German, Chinese, Tawain and American traditions.

May 30th: The Executive Board positions are filled by Jacquelynn Garofano (President), Julie Mackey (Vice-President), Salay Stannard (Secretary), and Joseph Rajan (Treasurer). The duties of the new E-Board are effective upon submission of the Annual Activity Report.

April 24-25th: Several of our members volunteered at the 17th Annual CPTV Family Science Expo held at the Connecticut Expo Center in East Hartford, Connecticut.

March 1st: The primary email address for the chapter ( was established and announced to chapter members.

March 24th: We held our first chapter meeting (on campu) which was the “MRS Meet & Greet.” At this meeting, we had a pizza party which gave our members a chance to gather together for the first time as a chapter.

February 18th: We received notification from Dr. Cleva W. Ow-Yang, MRS Special Project Program Chair, that our chapter was awarded full funding requested for the Special Project proposal.

January 20th: Jacquelynn Garofano created UConn Materials Research Society (MRS) Student Chapter group on Facebook. This group is used as an outlet to let our members know about upcoming events at the university and MRS meetings.